While I did nothing outside of the house on Sunday I still managed to mess up my eating schedule. I made a mental note for next weekend to set timers on my phone for every 3 hours to remind me. At work it's easy to remember that I am due to eat, or take a supplement because I keep my paperwork right in front of me all day. At home it sits on the kitchen counter waiting to be looked at (which obviously never happens)!
I am on the slow count down to the Max Phase of the Challenge, which is the weight loss part of the Challenge and I am so super duper excited about it! Days 11 through 24 are the Max Phase and it's the part where you are supposed to lose all the weight and inches!!!! I am so freaking excited! Already at Day 8 I can see a difference in my body, and for sure I can feel the difference! As of the morning of Day 8 I was down 9 lbs! Being a big girl means that the weight will come off more quickly for me than for someone who has a normal BMI, That is probably why I am losing so much weight from the get go. I have a LOT more of it to come off than the average person. Do you know your BMI?
Basically my BMI right now is 29, right on the cusp between overweight and obese! I never looked at myself and thought obese, but apparently science has this thing down and that's where I'm at. Like it or not.... I am determined to change this. My goal right now is to lose 80 lbs. That would put me at my the same weight I was when I stopped getting taller and started getting wider, I know it looks like a huge number but I can do it! With the help of this 24 Day Challenge and the rest of the amazing support I get from Advocare, I know I have the tools to do it!
So Monday was Day 8 for me and it was back to the fiber drink once again.... Now that I have unlocked the secret to the fiber drink I can take it like a champ! Mix it with a 1/4 scoop of spark... It does wonders!! Did I mention I am down 9 lbs? I did? Well, it feels awesome to say that! AHHH!!! So happy to see the scale moving in the right direction!!! Everything was great at work. I got my workout in. T25 Cardio and 40 minutes of Weight Loss Yoga. Basically my day was great. My night on the other hand, not so great. Sleeping next to a fussy, whiny 11 month old sucks!
Brennan sleeps in his crib very well, but lately has been waking up 4-8 times a night. I usually cave and bring him into bed with me in order to get a few precious hours of uninterrupted sleep. That didn't happen last night. We were up ever 40 mins for at least 10 min.... still not sure what's going on, but it was rough. Here is a picture so you understand just what I mean by fussy and whiny....
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